Share Our Fire

Organon has a mission to improve the health of women globally and our people and their stories are how we accomplish that mission every single day. 

​​​​​​​By joining the #IAmOrganon movement you will help us share those stories with your social communities and attract the talent that will continue to build upon our mission.   
Talent Attraction People want to work for businesses where they will be treated well and produce meaningful work. If they see others in their network sharing how much they love your organization, its value, and culture then they will be more enticed to apply for open job opportunities.
Creates Credibility & Trust Customers (and those researching your brand) trust their peers more than a company. The thoughts and insights shared by an employee creates more trust than advertisements or a message directly from the brand. Employee generated content gives viewers a transparent look into what goes behind the scenes of the organization.
Extended Potential Reach On average, an employee has roughly 350 LinkedIn connections or Twitter followers. That means, our brand has an opportunity to get in front of those connections through you. The collective reach of our employees will often surpass that of our brand.
Employee Improvement Last, but certainly not least is employee self-improvement. Top talent is always looking to grow. By producing EGC and getting their thought leadership out there, they are growing their own personal brand and network which can lead to great opportunities like events, speaking engagement, and guest blogging.

Become an #IAmOrganon Ambassador today


In total, employees have 10x (on average) more followers than a brand’s account.
Content shared by employees gets 8X more engagement than content shared through branded channels
Employee posts get reshared up to 24x more than a branded post
92% of consumers turn to people they know for referrals above any other source
The use of Employee Generated Content results in 29% higher web conversions than campaigns without it.In total, employees have 10x (on average) more followers than a brand’s account.
86% of Millennials trust that Employee Generated Content accurately reflects a product’s or brand’s quality.
90% of talent  say authenticity is important when deciding which brands to engage with
70% of talent place peer recommendations above professionally written copy